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 Secret Santa event!

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Posts : 26
Join date : 2008-06-26
Age : 36
Location : Canada, BC.

Secret Santa event! Empty
PostSubject: Secret Santa event!   Secret Santa event! Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 8:17 pm

Alright so, the rules are:
The Fiesta store item must be priced between 1000-2000sc.
You may only purchase one items since the rules for gifting is one gift a week.
Also another rule from Fiesta is you must be at least level 15.
You must send the gift to the persons SparkID, does not mean ign!

Alright, now, the gifts must be sent/received between December 24-26.

Please play fair and give a gift since you are also receiving a gift. Now here is the list of participants:
(listed as ign - sparkID)
Squicked - Squicked
Dyanaaa - dyannaa
Domii - cottonsocks (don't worry I won't know, sis will do it for me)

Sign up closes on Sunday December 21st, you will all receive a private message on outspark with the name of the user you are giving a gift too. :3
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